
get to know me in thirty questions

Any more than that is just creepy, man.

  1. What's your full name?
    Wayne Martin Dooley
  2. Are you named after anyone?
    My grandfather, my dad, and I share a middle name.
  3. Where are you from?
    A bit of all over the US. Mostly Illinois, California, Virginia, and New Mexico. I've spent most of my adult life in Texas, which I consider home.
  4. Where were you born?
    Detroit, Michigan.
  5. Do you have a hobby?
    I love woodworking, I've been at it for many years. I took over our two-car garage and turned it into a shop. My wife doesn't seem to mind, as long as I build her something every now and then.
  6. Any pets?
    Our dog Riley, a big, lovable mutt.
  7. Would you bungee jump?
    Maybe. Sounds like a good way to pop my back.
  8. Favorite movie?
    The Seven Samurai. I love just about everything from Kurosawa.
  9. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
    I am fulent in all forms.
  10. Favorite cereal?
    Grape Nuts. Even as a kid.
  11. Favorite ice cream?
  12. What is the first thing you notice about people?
    Eye contact.
  13. Favorite sport?
    Baseball, but only casually, and only if I'm in the stands.
  14. What inspires you?
    Anyone that's passionate about their work or life. Anyone trying to make a difference.
  15. To what extent do you trust people?
    Depending on the situation, I'm willing to give reasonable doubt. That is, until they remove that doubt.
  16. Favorite drink?
    Coke Zero.
  17. Favorite way to pass the time?
    Working in my woodshop.
  18. Favorite TV show when you were a kid?
    Toss up between Batman, Gilligan's Island, and Star Trek. And Monty Python's Flying Circus when my parents weren't around.
  19. Are you a good cook?
    I'm excellent at making reservations.
  20. Are you an early adopter or late-adopter?
    Early adoptor. I like to explore new ideas and concepts.
  21. Who is the best teacher you’ve ever had?
    Mr. Duggins, my 11-12th grades social studies teacher. He was a quiet professional who had the respect from even the most difficult students.
  22. Do you remember your dreams?
    Most of the time, in full technicolor.
  23. Do you sing in the shower?
    No, I'm too busy with shower thoughts.
  24. Do you believe in love at first sight?
    Maybe not first, but definitely second. Going on 39 years now.
  25. Have you ever suffered a fracture?
    My left arm during high school soccer.
  26. Have you ever visited a country outside your continent?
    Many, I spent a number of years stationed in Germany with the Air Force.
  27. What flavor of tea do you enjoy?
    Earl Grey.
  28. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
    Morning, crack of dawn.
  29. Is there any item you collect?
    Antique or unusual cameras.
  30. Wait, we didn't have a chance to ask about software development or your love of cinema. Do you have time for more questions?
    No. Now please leave.

Riley, the good boy.